Friday, June 08, 2007

Proud Member of the Iraq War Death Machine

I just looked at today's Daily Kos, and it's hard to avoid thinking that these people don't understand the real world. Not even a little. First, they included an article from a gay guy who was ridiculing Christians who encourage young men to avoid homosexuality. "I prayed with my priest to resist my homosexual urges. After we had sex." Oh, that's so funny. Way to be edgy, making fun of Catholic priests. That's really going out on a limb.

Then there was a lot of crap about Iraq. It was the usual Trouble-Free Internationalism. "Stop the Iraq War Death Machine." Of course, the gay guy who bashed Catholics would be a cinder if it weren't for the World War II Death Machine that, at the cost of several times as many dead Americans, destroyed the scariest threat to homosexuals and Jews that ever existed. It's almost like Daily Kos people think that Democracy exists because it just happens to be stronger, whereas it exists because millions of British and American 19 year olds died to defend it.

Then there were several French quotes. Apparently, stupid ideas sound smarter when expressed in French. Why don't these people stop doing drugs, and wake up to the fact that Al-Qaeda wants us dead?

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