Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Right-Wing Philistine

     Liberalism demolished Plato and Aristotle's vision of the good life.   The fact that almost no one, right or left,  thinks one correct way of living exists means that natural law principles are unintelligible to professional conservatives,  who say things that gladden any secondary liberal's heart, like that natural law is a "solopsism."  
      As recently as Edmund Burke,  government was "a partnership in all science;  a partnership in all art; a partnership in every virtue,  and in all perfection. "  Today's so-called conservative thinks anything other than fighting wars and running prisons isn't the government's "business."  This brings us back to Orange Blatherskite, whose ability to run hotels made him the perfect presidential candidate for right-wing philistines, who also failed to recognize that presidents can't bark orders at legislators,  and that constantly firing appointees was no way to create a working government. 
      Right-wing philistines loved the way Orange Blatherskite "owned the libs."  If John Locke made American politics class warfare,  many saw O.B. as a right-wing Carlos Hathcock, dispatching one lefty after another with zippy tweets.  This masked the fact that he had no legislative skills whatsoever.   An intelligent president doesn't watch both parties horse-trade and blogroll for five months,  and then red-line provisions in a bill at the last minute.   This is yet another sign that Orange Blatherskite thinks lawmakers are somehow his employees,  instead of other elected officials who themselves hold authority. 
      It is past time to stop Donald Trump's rape of the Republican Party , but the fact that conservatism has been warped into an obsession with cutting social programs and insulting liberals makes this unlikely. 

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Belial/Moloch 2020

      The White House has been won by President Belial, God of Rape, and Vice-president Moloch,  Devourer of Children.   These pro-abortion Jacobins may talk about representing all Americans,  but will actually restart Barack Obama's reign of terror against pro-lifers. 
      They will be abetted by the dominant media,  hysterical about Vladimir Putin,  while oblivious to the fact that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez has the same ideology.   Fully expect Jeffrey Toobin to rejoin CNN as their resident expert on onanism.
      Orange Blatherskite was a man of many faults,  and the myriad of whores in the "conservative "media who allowed him to win the 2016 primary should never be forgiven.   That doesn't mean that the leftist magazines weren't also responsible for Trump.   When the leftist media called conservatives white trash,  that empowered Trump.   When "The Atlantic " called pro-lifers racist,  that empowered Trump.   When a liberal journalist called John McCain voters "NASCAR retards," that paved the way for Trump.  The same liberal media that now invokes St. John McCain were happy to call his backers every name in the book in 2008.  Similarly,  they called Mitt Romney a racist before considering him the conscience of the Republican party .

Friday, October 16, 2020

Media Mediocrity

Legendary football coach Mike Ditka once remarked that "media" is the plural of "mediocrity."  Never has there been a better example than the two town halls the other night;  Joe Biden had a kindly chat with Mr. Rogers,  while Trump was pummeled with loaded questions.
       Recently, there was an Ozzy Osbourne documentary on A&E.  When A&E showed Ozzy singing the famous last line of "Paranoid," their closed captioning claimed such was "I tell you to enjoy life/I wish I could, but it's too late."  Of course,  a network so scared of Black Lives Matter that it canned its highest rated show can't handle "I tell you to end your life/I wish I could, but it's too late."
       Last but not least are the AM radio whores.  Since 2016, Estase has come to recognize talk radio consists of followers, not leaders.  One disadvantage Jeb Bush had in primary season was conspiracy theories about Goldman Sachs and Henry Paulson.  These were cooked up by the same ideological cranks who called George W. Bush a "fiscal Marxist" over the 2008 response to the housing crisis.  I'm sure these AM talkers aren't giving Orange Blatherskite the same grief over our multi-trillion Dollar coronavirus stimulus programs.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Kamala Harris is in Love With Abortion

       There comes a point when a Never Trumper who is pro-life has to concede he has no option other than to support Orange Blatherskite in 2020.  Joe Biden has made the most extreme pro-abort in American politics his vice-presidential candidate,  a fact made even worse by his advanced age making it likely his VP will actually become President. 
       Kamala Harris tried to send David Deleiden to prison for making undercover videos of Planned Parenthood doctors talking about harvesting fetal organs.  If this had been done by "60 Minutes ",it would have been praised as hard-hitting journalism.  But when you do journalism for the benefit of the unborn,  Kamala Harris calls it a felony. 
       Harris also wants to treat states that have enacted pro-life laws as civil rights violators.  That is, she wants  the Department of Justice to force such states to (under Federal supervision) start promoting abortion, as though abortion was akin to voting rights or segregation. 
       Estase has never had much good to say about soft-on-Turkey Trump,  or his meretricious attempts to funnel government money into his pocket.  Donald Trump is a piece of shit,  but Kamala Harris is toxic sludge,  full of heavy metals.  So where you might eventually get a rose bush out of Trump,  Kamala Harris brings death wherever she goes. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Brain-Dead Conservatism

Rarely had a man pretended to be one of principle and substance  more thoroughly than Rush Limbaugh.  His moralizations on Bill Clinton's marijuana use and sexcapdes were belied by his own opioid abuse and the sexcapades of Orange Blatherskite, which passed without mention.  
       Limbaugh created two maxims, which he, of course, abandoned by supporting Orange Blatherskite. The so-called Limbaugh Rule was that no Republican should speak ill of another Republican . No Republican trashed other Republicans as often or as thoroughly as Orange Blatherskite.  Another of Limbaugh's maxims was Words Mean Things ". Of course,  words mean almost  nothing  to Donald Trump  . Orange Blatherskite is sloppier and more careless  about language than any man alive.
        Rush Limbaugh started out as a comedian,  morphing into a pretender deep thinker.  In reality, his career was only aimed at ratings and the election of Republicans--even one who had only been one for a couple of years and, never having held lower office, was grossly unprepared for the presidency.  He wasn't sensitive enough to realize that Trump was reintroducing all the racists and anti-semites Bill Buckley spent his career exorcising from the conservative movement. 
        Estase has long bemoaned the fact that that none of the commentators  Rush Limbaugh spawned advocates the Conservatism of Edmund Burke or Alexis deToquevillle . You have Vladimir Putin fanboy Tucker Carlson.  You have Ann Coulter,  a racist who wants to forcibly convert the Muslim world to Protestantism  .  And you have Sean Hannity,  a parasite who makes his money repeating the ideas of people who have brains. We can thank Rush for all these illustrious figures. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hump Day With KLOD

     You'll feel really bad about how FDR sold out Poland when you see Polish model KLOD.  The top
photograph was done by Wolos fotografia.  The middle photograph was done by Karolina Roszak Photography.  The bottom photograph is by Joanna Pakosinska.

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Our Hulk Hogan Government

Forescript:  Rush Limbaugh does NOT deserve the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

       In February 2019, Estase wrote a blogpost comparing the Court of King's Bench to crooked NBA referee Tim Donaghy.  The blogpost argued that American politics might be as real as professional wrestling.
       Jean Jacques Rousseau posited imaginary systems of government.  That is, he did for government what Isaac Newton did for the natural world.  What is real becoming imaginary may have aided in creating republican systems of government.  But in an era where presidents from Wilson on have treated Congress as a rubber stamp, many of us see representative government in danger of becoming totally imaginary.
       The relationship between the White House and Capital Hill is so dysfunctional that we almost expected Pelosi to hit Orange Blatherskite over the head with a folding chair during the State of the Union address.
       O.B.'s respect for Paul Ryan had been even lower than it is for Pelosi.  Obviously, it's O.B.'s desire for unfettered power, rather than party, that makes him despise the Speaker.  Total domination may be a pro wrestler's goal, but it makes little sense in government.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Great Pretenders

       Last week there was a kerfuffle over a segment on Don Lemon's show on CNN where Rick Wilson and another panelist ridiculed Trump voters as illiterate hicks.  (This, of course, plays perfectly into the hands of Trump, who has always depicted the "they-took-our-jobs!" set as being reviled by the Deep State, the GOP "establishment," and media elites.)
       This blogpost isn't about the uneducated riff-raff that backs Trump.  It's about the college-educated professionals who tell them Trump does no wrong.  These people have no excuse for not knowing this presidency is hot garbage.  Fox News has soft-pedaled the Impeachment, acting as though the President did nothing to frustrate Congress' attempts to repel the invasion of Ukraine.   Fox conveniently neglected to inform their viewers that Trump made the Ukrainians promise to keep their Javelin anti-tank missiles in parts of the Ukraine not under invasion.  It is as though FDR provided Britain with Lend-Lease on the condition that none of the ships provided left harbor.
        Back in the day (pre-2016), National Review had a story on their website about William F. Buckley's low estimation of Donald Trump.  When this story came up in Memories on my Facebook feed, Rich Lowry (now a Trumphumper) made sure the story was no longer available.
       Of course, Mark Levin is by far the worst offender.  A lawyer who fancies himself an expert on the Constitution, once targeted by Roger Stone and the alt-right cockroaches, Mr. Levin at one time promised to never support Donald Trump.  Of course, bucking the opinions of the Trumphumpers would mean no sweet radio gig, and no books sold.  Thus, Levin joins the ranks of college-educated professional "conservatives" who defend someone they know in their hearts is an incompetent con man for the almighty Dollar.
       Years ago, Estase compared the President to Cody Jarrett, the psychotic gangster in White Heat who destroyed all of his partners to save himself.  John Bolton, once the patron saint for the tough-on-Iran crowd, is now a pariah to the right.  Unsurprisingly, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will pimp his mother to avoid a similar fate.