Tuesday, October 25, 2022


The hillbilly sans-cullottes over at The Federalist have apparently decided that the term conservative is outdated because American government has nothing to conserve. Ridiculous and apocalyptic--just what we expect from Trumphumpers. But I think we have a new acronym to replace MAGA--NTC(pronounced "nutsy").  
  If American government has nothing to conserve,  perhaps it has something to do with Trump's disregard for the democratic and legal norms that kept politicians' hands out of the public still and ensured peaceful transfer of power. 
     It has been clear for some time that anything that even resembled eighteenth century Whiggery has been purged from the Republican party by the ideological mess that is MAGA.  Donald Trump has nothing in common with John Adams.   Talk radio overcame anything that ever resembled intellect, and the NTC nonsense makes a mockery out of Trump supporters' claims to love the Constitution.Laura Ingraham said a while ago that  the Constitution wasn't sacred because it might be improved upon.   Estase dreads what Laura Ingraham would consider an improvement on the U.S. Constitution. All you have to see to prove this disrespect is the minimizations and rationalizations for the Save America Riot and its concurrent fake elector scheme. 
    All of this amounts to the once-proud Republican party checking out and withdrawing from American democracy.   What is there to call NTC but the final embrace of authoritarianism?