Monday, June 18, 2018

Switcheroo Theories, Real and Imagined

       Polar shifts in politics only occur when extreme changes in the practice of politics make the foundational principles of the party outdated.
       The actual switcheroo came in Nineteenth-Century Britain, where Benjamin Disraeli turned Toryism from an ideology that gave unlimited power to the Crown into a Conservative party.  Eighteenth-Century Tories were unremittingly hostile to commercial life, and considered landed gentry the only fit wealthy.  Disraeli romanticized pre-Reformation England, and had Charles I in his pantheon of Tory saints.  Old Tory ideology was about King over Parliament;  new Tory ideology was a rejection of Utilitarian attempts at utopia.
       The imaginary switcheroo came in Nineteenth or Twentieth-Century America.  The Republican Party, after opposing extension of slavery, the Dred Scott decision that black people were farm animals, and secession, supposedly changed place with the pro-slavery Democratic Party.  Perhaps it was after Charles Sumner authored the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.  It must have been after a Democratic president thought "Birth of a Nation" was a great film, and re-segregated the military.  As a matter of fact, black Americans were reliably Republican until FDR's presidency.
       Unlike the actual switcheroo, there was a genuine political change that caused Toryism to become Conservative (and Whig to become Labour).  The Reform Act of 1835 made more Britons entitled to vote.  This, combined with post-1688 Parliamentary ascendency made the Toryism of Henry St. John and Jonathan Swift an antique curiosity.  Republican ideology, being a continuation of old Federalist principles, has never been obsolete.

Monday, June 04, 2018

Left-Wing Philistines

       A few months ago, I did a post called "Right Wing Philistines."  In the interest of equal treatment, Estase will explore the similar liberals.  
       Left-wing Philistines think the solution to every problem is a new scheme for redistributing wealth.  The Bernie Sanders types are unconcerned with any issue save the fact that some people have money, and they don't.  Where Right-wing Philistines want lower taxes, Left-wing Philistines hate wealth and those who have it.  All their posturing about the 1% is like some Carlyle stereotype of the French Revolution.  These cultural Marxists are the new heart and soul of the Democratic Party.  Much of this arises from the fact that twenty-somethings are ignorant of the horrors that Soviet Russia and Maoist China wreaked upon the people of those countries.
       Extreme leftists hold equality as a higher value than liberty;  they would rather everyone suffer extreme poverty (like Venezuela) than live in a system where people on the top support those at the bottom.  Thus, the Left-wing Philistine might be compared to the proverbial story of killing the goose that laid golden eggs.