Friday, October 16, 2020

Media Mediocrity

Legendary football coach Mike Ditka once remarked that "media" is the plural of "mediocrity."  Never has there been a better example than the two town halls the other night;  Joe Biden had a kindly chat with Mr. Rogers,  while Trump was pummeled with loaded questions.
       Recently, there was an Ozzy Osbourne documentary on A&E.  When A&E showed Ozzy singing the famous last line of "Paranoid," their closed captioning claimed such was "I tell you to enjoy life/I wish I could, but it's too late."  Of course,  a network so scared of Black Lives Matter that it canned its highest rated show can't handle "I tell you to end your life/I wish I could, but it's too late."
       Last but not least are the AM radio whores.  Since 2016, Estase has come to recognize talk radio consists of followers, not leaders.  One disadvantage Jeb Bush had in primary season was conspiracy theories about Goldman Sachs and Henry Paulson.  These were cooked up by the same ideological cranks who called George W. Bush a "fiscal Marxist" over the 2008 response to the housing crisis.  I'm sure these AM talkers aren't giving Orange Blatherskite the same grief over our multi-trillion Dollar coronavirus stimulus programs.

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