Wednesday, July 11, 2018


       The current debate over Brett Kavanaugh shows the terrible state of conservative opinion.  Last night, Estase was watching the Joe Pags show on Newsmax, when a caller voiced his opposition to Kavanaugh because he was "part of the Bush/Cheney/Obama swamp."  Brilliant.  First of all, that swamp term needs to die.  Now.  Second, what in Hell does GWB and Dick Cheney have to do with Barack Obama?
       This banal crap about how Orange Blatherskite is the man who is supposed to purify the corrupt Washington D.C. system was never true, nor will it ever be true.  The provenance of the "swamp" term is from Bela Pelosi, who used it against GWB and Congressional Republicans.  Why people on the right think this should be their terminology now escapes me.  O.B. making attacks on George H.W. Bush strikes me of more of this pretended purity, from the purveyor of strip clubs and casinos.  The character who has a problem with Kavanaugh is just another dime-store Mark Levin, offering opinions about things he doesn't even understand.
         Another genius whose brilliance graced Facebook called George F. Will "a left-wing weenie."  Yeah, just like that other left-wing weenie, William F. Buckley.  Trump didn't just win the nomination by stupid primary voters;  his success has made stupidity the desired characteristic of "conservative" political commentary.   Things like crudeness and refusal to acknowledge facts used to be what Estase hated about left-wingers.  Now, the age of Trump has made them things he sees on the right.

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