Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Lepidus on Government Schools

   MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry says that all children belong to the government.  Interesting, because I think I already gave them Kaitlyn.  I put my daughter in public school kindergarten at age five.  I sent her to public grade and high schools.  I sent her to a state university.  And now she is a Marxist feminist.  So I appreciate Harris-Perry's point.  The church only had her for a few hours a month.  The government school imparted many of Kaitlyn's attitudes.  She thinks I'm a greedy troglodyte because her schools told her that's what people who believe in free markets or religion are.  So the fuss over the remarks seem out of order.  The old saying was, possession is nine-tenths of the law.  And now my daughter acts like she's possessed.

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