Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Kaitlyn Wagstaff Endorses Caitlyn Halligan

I have been able to get Dad to let me write in support of an awesome lady.  Her name is Caitlyn Halligan (almost the same as my name!) and she is a nominee for Federal Judge for the District of Columbia.  She is getting a bad rap from fascists like my Dad because she is pro-choice.  My Dad says that she shouldn't get to be a Federal Judge because as New York Attorney General she used RICO to fight anti-choice groups.  RICO is the law that Rudy Guliani wrote to fight the mob.  It stands for Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Groups.  Sounds like the blue haired church ladies to me!  My Dad says that anti-choice groups don't extort money, so it's an abuse of the law to use RICO against them.  Abuse of law, abuse of squaw.  Any port in the storm, I say.  Law is just a cudgel to use against those who act like religious nuts.  Screw 'em!  I think they should charge anti-choicers any crime under the sun.  Theft, for trying to make people raise kids on their money.  Drug laws, for acting like weirdos.  Fraud, for pretending that science is real.  You get the picture.  Medieval assholes.  Truth is whatever you make it, and law is whoever holds the cards.  We get awesome people like Caitlyn Halligan in power, and then we stick it to the religious zealots.  Make them retreat back to the Knights of Columbus Hall, and leave them to sing "Mary Is a Grand Old Name" over their beers. 

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