Saturday, March 14, 2009

Three Political Experts

Sometimes a person's following has nothing to do with how much sense they make. Mao Zedong was not only a psychotically anti-American communist, his theory that the will to be wealthy and productive was all that China needed to be wealthy and productive lead to famine and decades of poverty. His thoughts would be of only historical interest if it weren't for the fact that many on the left still hold them. One wonders if Oh Blah Blah hasn't adopted these thoughts, since his Norman Vincent Peale economics seems to be that you can spend four trillion dollars and have economic growth by mouthing the words "fiscal responsibility."

Jesse Jackson said at the 1992 Democratic Convention that the Virgin Mary should have had an abortion. This would just be an odd religious belief if so many didn't see Jackson as a "black leader."

Ann Coulter confronts the insanity of Muslims claiming everyone should be Muslim by the insanity that everyone should be Christian. People still invite this Hillary Clinton fan to speak about what she thinks conservatism means.

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