Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Margaret Sanger?

Today I read a book that was supposedly about eugenics. The ideas of both Nazi era racial hygeine theorists and long-forgotten bit players in the American eugenics movement were shown to have intersected at numerous points. The author's political bias was clear, as he joyfully pointed out that Presidents Hoover and Reagan had praised two of the American eugenics advocates. But one name never was mentioned, and this is a name liberals exult in. Margaret Sanger was an advocate for involuntary sterilization of the retarded and disabled. The organization she started, Planned Parenthood, was never mentioned in the book. That same organization is now America's number-one provider of abortions.
I don't know how you can write a book about eugenics that mentions Ronald Reagan, but not Margaret Sanger. Obviously, the author of this book had a selective bias towards Planned Parenthood. As for Estase, he knows that he will never vote for Rudy Guliani because he has personally given money to this despicable group of baby killers.

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