Thursday, March 31, 2005

Just Give Me a Reason, Baby

Why do we do the things we do? Obviously, we have reasons of the heart, reasons of the pocketbook, and reason of the mind. The big Reason. Former Clinton slimeball Robert Reich wrote a book about how reason was on the side of the Demogogues, I mean Democrats. He calls his enemies Radcons, apparently short for radical conservatives. I don't know how he gets dressed in the morning if he doesn't know that the words "radical" and "conservative" are antonyms. Saying someone is a radical conservative is like calling someone a brilliant idiot. Radcons believe all kinds of horrible things. Oppose abortion? If you do you're not using reason. What kind of reason leads one to the conclusion that a twenty week fetus, having all the brain and nerve cells it will ever, in its whole lifetime possess, deserves no legal protection? It must be George Carlin reason: "Which do you want to F__k, a woman or a fetus?" It is, to be sure, reason generated by the testes. Why is empathy unreasonable?

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