Friday, August 03, 2007

Hypocritical Kos

The great folks at Daily Kos did themselves a disservice when they, on their own site, showed a picture of Senator Joseph Lieberman that looked like Lieberman was performing Clinton sex on President Bush. The photo was on Daily Kos apparently, and the fools showed this tasteless picture again in a copy of the O'Reilly Factor. The Kos people apparently thought this was some kind of real feather in their cap. Not only were they proud of smearing Lieberman (who only seven years ago was the vice-presidential nominee of the party advocated by Daily Kos), they were proud to share the O'Reilly response. I don't know what O'Reilly said (because I only have dial-up, being a poor Republican), so I suppose the Kosites felt they came out on top, and not in any sexual way. The liberals all tell us that Clinton sex, like all sex, is wonderful. They also tell us that homosexuality is normal. But they're all lying. They must think homosexuality is laughably perverted, or otherwise there would be nothing funny about joking that Senator Lieberman is a homosexual. Democrats don't really like homosexuals. Homosexual men generally have good jobs. They have no kids. Democrats like homosexuals because they pump money into Democratic coffers. I wonder what self-described liberals like Rosie O'Donnell would think of their brethren making a gay joke about a man whose worse crime is supporting our troops in Iraq.

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