Monday, February 19, 2007

Illinois Railsplitters

Estase is an alumnus of the University of Illinois, which has decided to abandon Chief Illiniwek as its symbol. Estase suggests that the U of I takes on as its new symbol the Railsplitters, as a reference to Abraham Lincoln. Not only was Lincoln tied to Illinois, but the Railsplitters has a wholesome, athletic sound to it. Imagine the Assembly Hall faithful waving styrofoam axes as a token of enthusiasm. And even scumball liberals can't object to Lincoln!

This is on a different topic, but Estase would like to extend a hearty BOO! for Congressman Tim Johnson for his decision to favor Trouble-Free internationalism. In Estase's book, Congressman Johnson deserves to be ranked up there with Neville Chamberlain for his high minded foreign policy.

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