Sunday, December 17, 2006

Republican Post-Mortum

Why did Republicans suffer the loss of the House in November? Due to my other responsibilities, I couln't give analysis at the time, but I will now. What did Congressional Republicans do to stop the runaway spending when they held power? To my knowledge, nothing. Did they enact the term limits Newt Gingerich called for in 1994? Hardly- - they seemed to forget all about the advantages of citizen legislators, going so far as to increase incumbent advantages.
Why did Judy Baar Topinka lose her challenge to Governor Rod Blagojevich? Before her candidacy was even announced, Topinka in 2005 gloated that Alan Keyes lost because " Illinoisans want a center-right government." In a contest between a pro-abortion Republican and a rabidly pro-abortion Democrat, Estase voted for the pro-abortion Republican. He did not want a "center-right" governor, but had no choice but vote for an insipid, charmless time-server. The Illinois Republican party is a mess. The new year will include Dick Durbin's campaign for reelection. Illinois Republicans should be able to defeat the laughably stupid Durbin, but they won't as long as the party leadership puts forward candidates who are no different from the Democrats. No more pro-abortion Republicans!

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