Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kerry Didn't Say What He Said!

The Sixties holdovers strike again! In exactly the same way that Dick Durbin did! Kerry, who pretends to be a war hero when it suits him, says that America's servicemen are losers! See my ancient blog "Right for the Wrong Reason." The similarities of Durbin comparing servicemen to the Nazis, Michael Moore claiming America brings misery to every place it involves itself, and the new Kerry quote are easy to triangulate. These three show that Democrats hate our military, or at least the types do. They think our military is a jobs program. They don't believe in fighting our enemies, choosing instead to call the president Hitler. They disagree with a war that Kerry himself voted for. And their fondest dream is to impeach the president for "lying." Kerry supported the war when he thought it would be a short-lived pep rally like Desert Storm/Gulf War I was like. And now Kerry can't even take the heat for something he said freely.

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