Friday, September 26, 2008

Does Life Begin at Birth?

The thing about Oh-Blah-Blah that scares me the most is his ambivalence about when human life begins. Estase believes that it starts at conception, but many abortion supporters consider birth as the start of a child's life. Oh-Blah-Blah claims ethicists (Peter Singer???) are undecided on when life begins. When is that point Barack? Is it two weeks after birth? Is it two months after birth? Is it when a child enters Kindergarten? This is really scary.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Merely Religious?

Recently seen on the back of a car- "I don't need to be threatened with Hell to be moral." Uh Huh. Another sign of someone claiming morality without explaining what they consider immoral is Plagiarist Joe Biden. The Plagiarist said that although he believes life begins at conception, he is unwilling to support this basic piece of human decency because he considers it a "religious" belief. Abortion is a basic question of right and wrong, and bringing basic morality into politics is fundamentally different than making Protestants eat fish on Friday. The Plagiarist is not providing anything more than window dressing for Oh Blah Blah, who shows signs of being the most rabidly pro-abortion presidential candidate of all time.