Thursday, March 14, 2019

She Guevara

       There was a time when realism was a valued trait in politics.  The worst thing you could accuse a politician of was of having utopian dreams.
       Of course, the ultimate utopians were Karl Marx, and his disciple Vladimir Lenin.  The utopianism of Marx and Lenin led to the violence of Beria and Che Guevara.
       Those who were born after 1991 forget the horrors of Communism, mistaking Che Guevara for a hero.  Thus, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez becomes the darling of the extreme left.  Every American could be given a Ferrari for the cost of her insane Green New Deal.  She Guevara derides moderation as a basic concept, showing that today's Democratic Party is one where the Girondins have been purged by the Jacobins.

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