Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Aborting Liberals

I was at the conservative site Townhall.com, and saw something there that reminded me that not all Republicans are conservative in any cultural sense. Someone had written a comment appended to a pro-life article excoriating pro-lifers on the basis that aborted children would have turned out to be liberal drains on society. This sort of crap makes me sick to my stomach. That may be anti-government, but it sure as hell isn't conservative. That's like saying that inner city violence is OK because the victims are poor, and probably vote Democratic. Would Edmund Burke have said that despotism and murder are acceptable, so long as its victims favor big government? I suspect that this kind of thinking is common among the people who consider themselves Libertarian. And this is why Libertarianism is basically the same as liberalism. Ugh.

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