Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lepidus on Religious Wars

Still stinging from my daughter's brilliant defense of leftist jurisprudence, I read of Richard Seymour's Unhitched, an attack by Tariq Ali's Marxist publishing house Verso upon their late author Christopher Hitchens.  Wow, do you really mean to tell me that Marxists do not forgive deviation from their comrades?  Hitch was a loathsome athiest, but he did come to realize that his ideological soul mates were making common cause with eighth century religious fanatics, and began to apologize for Islam in a way that it would never tolerate with Christianity.  Religion is a drug, but for modern Marxists, it is one that is utterly satisfying to their ends when administered by Islam.  At least Hitch was consistent enough to hate all religion.  On the other hand, one finds fault with a writer who finds Mother Theresa in the same category as Al-Qaeda.

       The ones who really are in the same category as Al-Qaeda are the Amish.  Don't let the whole thing about their aversion to technology fool you.  What language do the Amish speak?  German.  I'll bet they harbor Nazi sympathizers!  The new Pope has two main defects in Wagstaff's book.  He is a Jesuit, member of the least orthodox order in the Catholic Church.  And he is an Argentinian, part of a nation famous for harboring Nazis.  OK, that's a lame objection, but surely no lamer than the objection that Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was a deserter from the German Army.  Back to the Amish, I have no doubt that the drone program will start targeting Amish buggies.  If Catholics were identifiable by their vehicles, they would come in for drone strikes, too.

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