Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Popular Assemblies

"So that the main reason urged why popular assemblies are to be trusted with the people's liberty, rather than a senate of principal men, because great men will be still endeavoring to enlarge their power, but the common sort will be contented to maintain their own liberty, is by experience found false, none being more ambitious to amplify their power than such popularities; which was seen in the people of Rome, who, at first contented to have their tribunes, at length contended with the senate that one consul, then both--soon after, that the censors and praetors also--should be created plebian, and the whole empire put into their hands; adoring lastly those who were most averse to the senate; till Marius, by fulfilling all their inordinate desires, quite lost them all the power for which they had so long been striving, and left them under the tyranny of Sulla."
John Milton
The Ready and Easy Way

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