Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Great Pretenders

       Last week there was a kerfuffle over a segment on Don Lemon's show on CNN where Rick Wilson and another panelist ridiculed Trump voters as illiterate hicks.  (This, of course, plays perfectly into the hands of Trump, who has always depicted the "they-took-our-jobs!" set as being reviled by the Deep State, the GOP "establishment," and media elites.)
       This blogpost isn't about the uneducated riff-raff that backs Trump.  It's about the college-educated professionals who tell them Trump does no wrong.  These people have no excuse for not knowing this presidency is hot garbage.  Fox News has soft-pedaled the Impeachment, acting as though the President did nothing to frustrate Congress' attempts to repel the invasion of Ukraine.   Fox conveniently neglected to inform their viewers that Trump made the Ukrainians promise to keep their Javelin anti-tank missiles in parts of the Ukraine not under invasion.  It is as though FDR provided Britain with Lend-Lease on the condition that none of the ships provided left harbor.
        Back in the day (pre-2016), National Review had a story on their website about William F. Buckley's low estimation of Donald Trump.  When this story came up in Memories on my Facebook feed, Rich Lowry (now a Trumphumper) made sure the story was no longer available.
       Of course, Mark Levin is by far the worst offender.  A lawyer who fancies himself an expert on the Constitution, once targeted by Roger Stone and the alt-right cockroaches, Mr. Levin at one time promised to never support Donald Trump.  Of course, bucking the opinions of the Trumphumpers would mean no sweet radio gig, and no books sold.  Thus, Levin joins the ranks of college-educated professional "conservatives" who defend someone they know in their hearts is an incompetent con man for the almighty Dollar.
       Years ago, Estase compared the President to Cody Jarrett, the psychotic gangster in White Heat who destroyed all of his partners to save himself.  John Bolton, once the patron saint for the tough-on-Iran crowd, is now a pariah to the right.  Unsurprisingly, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will pimp his mother to avoid a similar fate.