Friday, November 17, 2006

Draft Dodger's Wife Tells Abizaid His Job

"Hope is not a strategy. Horatory talk about what the Iraqi government must do is getting old. I mean, I have heard over and over again the government must do this, the Iraqi army must do that. Nobody disagrees with that. The brutal fact is, it is not happening."
Military expert Hillary Rodham Clinton

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What Catiline Didn't Do

And the nature of man, he said, is such, that as it were a code of law subsists between the individual and the human race, so that he who upholds this code will be just and he who departs from it, unjust. But just as, though the theatre is a public place, yet it is correct to say that the particular seat a man has taken belongs to him, so in the state or in the universe, though these are common to all, no principle of justice militates against the possession of private property. Again, since we see that man is designed by nature to safeguard and protect his fellows, it follows from this natural disposition, that the Wise Man should desire to engage in politics and government, and also to live in accordance with nature by taking himself a wife and desiring to have children by her.

Cicero, On Final Good and Evil, Rackham
trans., 289.

Monday, November 13, 2006


For my part I hold that what is popular is often positively base, and that, if ever it is not base, this is only when the multitude happens to applaud something that is right and praiseworthy in and for itself; which even so is not called "moral" (honorable) because it is widely applauded, but because it is of such a nature that even if men were unaware of its existance, or never spoke of it, it would still be worthy of praise for its own beauty and loveliness. Cicero On Final Good and Evil Rackham trans., p137.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Samson Leftism

One really wonders how the Democrats will govern, since they campaigned on nothing but Bush and Iraq. Their only stated objective is to impeach the president. They seem more destructive than constructive.

On a similar note, student government at Orange Coast College in Los Angeles will not permit the use of the Pledge of Allegiance. Fine. The U.S. government can't stop them, but it seems only fair to me if it denied Federal funding to Orange Coast College. This will never happen with liberals in charge. Why is it that the socialist left pretends to be courageous about defying the rest of us, but the rest of us refuses to penalize them? It would be nice if we gave them an actual reason for feeling courageous.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Burke- Society requires not only that the passions of individuals should be subjected, but that even in the mass and body as well as in the individuals, the inclinations of men should frequently be thwarted, their will controlled, and their passions brought into subjection.

Hume- Reason is and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kerry Didn't Say What He Said!

The Sixties holdovers strike again! In exactly the same way that Dick Durbin did! Kerry, who pretends to be a war hero when it suits him, says that America's servicemen are losers! See my ancient blog "Right for the Wrong Reason." The similarities of Durbin comparing servicemen to the Nazis, Michael Moore claiming America brings misery to every place it involves itself, and the new Kerry quote are easy to triangulate. These three show that Democrats hate our military, or at least the types do. They think our military is a jobs program. They don't believe in fighting our enemies, choosing instead to call the president Hitler. They disagree with a war that Kerry himself voted for. And their fondest dream is to impeach the president for "lying." Kerry supported the war when he thought it would be a short-lived pep rally like Desert Storm/Gulf War I was like. And now Kerry can't even take the heat for something he said freely.